Découverte d'une magnifique anthologie de poèmes écrits par des poètes en situation de handicap et D/sourd.e.s et malentendant.e.s (je me rends compte que je ne connais pas la terminolgie adéquate en français et internet me donne plein de réponses différentes, je me renseigne dès que je rentre).
Certains poèmes ont des liens audio sur soundcloud, d'autres des liens videos en BSL et il y a aussi des descriptions pour les photos et illustrations.
shove ten pounds of sugar
in a seven pound bag Daniel Sluman
the poem is an artefact
made from words
& the space that exists
between & around the words
the spaces
are the negative of the words
part of a reciprocal
dialectic relationship
with the words
(without the spaces
there are no words)
i am human
the shape of my body
exists within space
there are gaps & absences
within & around my body
every human has a unique set
of absences created by their body
(without the absences
there is no body)
my absences
are perhaps more apparent
than other people's
i have an absence
where my left leg should be
as a reader / passer-by
you will notice the absence
of my left leg
the absence
will be more powerful
than if my leg was there
(shove ten pounds of sugar
in a seven-pound bag )
the absence forces you
to ascribe meaning to it
forces you to project
your own emotional /
intellectual self
within the absence
(mommy why has that man's leg
fallen off?)
i am a walking signifier
the page is a canvas
the poet reflects
on the page
each sapce is apt
each word is placed
like ice in water
as a crippled writer
you can put your body
into the poem`with all its faults
they'll dry like ink
from the dam notation
of your self
the disabled writer
turns the page
into a mirror
reflecting the reader's
own mortality their fears
nightmares the i couldn't live like that
we are on the fine end of a wedge
we can see aspects of societal behaviour
which they may not (wish to)
see themselves
a dead russian writer once said
that all good writing
is defamiliarisation
that all good writing
will get to the heart of an object / concept
(make the stone
stony again)
& turn it into art
disability defamiliarises life
forces you to question
could i do that?
bonecancer at 11
& the disarticulation af a limb
has been a blessing
i would thank in prayer
every day if i believed god
was listening because
i know all this
immediate noise & fizz
is bunk / nothing / zero
& i would not be who
i am now without
that wonderful magic trick
see his leg has disappeared!
a trick so real
no one stands to applaud
lien soundcloud: bit.ly/saw2shove
Daniel Sluman is a 30-year-old poet and disability rights activist. He co-edited the award-winning disability anthology, Fit To Work: Poets against Atos, and was named one of Huffington Post's Top 5 British Poets to Watch in 2015. His second collection, the terrible, was published by Nine Arches Press last year, and he is currently preparing for a PhD at Birminghal City University.